
Champasak University delegation visits HAGL AGRICO Laos complex

Recently, HAGL AGRICO Laos complex welcomed a delegation from Champasak University, led by Master Vilaivanh Saphangthong, Head of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, and included three faculty members and 22 students who had just completed their Master's degrees in agronomy.


Chu Prong District Farmers' Union visits Ia Puch cattle enterprise

A delegation led by Ms. Siu H'Ler, Chairwoman of Chu Prong District Farmers' Union, Gia Lai Province visited Ia Puch Cattle Enterprise on August 19 to learn about its farming practices. The group included officials from the Party Committee and People's Committee of Ia Puch Commune, as well as the leaders of farmers' unions from the district's communes and towns.


Quang Nam authorities visit HAGL AGRICO Laos complex

A delegation from the Quang Nam Provincial People’s Committee visited the HAGL AGRICO Laos complex on August 7 during their working trip to southern Laos. Led by Mr. Thieu Viet Dung, the Deputy Head of the Provincial Economic and Industrial Zones Management Board, the group explored the complex’s operations.


Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia has strong belief in THACO AGRI’s development

A delegation from the Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia visited the Snuol Complex on August 14. Led by Mr. Nguyen Huy Tang, the Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia (fourth from the left), the group was welcomed by THACO Chairman Tran Ba Duong, THACO AGRI President Tran Bao Son, and the Complex’s Board of Directors.


Tbong Khmum Provincial Department of Labor and Vocational Training visits Snuol Complex

A delegation from Cambodia's Tbong Khmum Provincial Department of Labor and Vocational Training, led by Director Mr. Um Veasna, visited and conducted business at Snuol Complex on June 24.


THACO AGRI and HAGL University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital sign medical cooperation program

THACO AGRI and Hoang Anh Gia Lai University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital joined forces on June 1 in Gia Lai to improve employee healthcare through a comprehensive medical cooperation program.


Laos National Assembly Vice Chairman visits HAGL AGRICO Laos Complex

A working delegation led by Dr. Chaleun Yiapaoher, the Vice Chairman of the Laos National Assembly and the Chairman of the Lao Law Committee recently conducted a visit to the HAGL AGRICO Laos Complex. Mr. Doan Ba Phi, the Complex Director and its Board of Directors welcomed the delegation.


University of Danang's Kon Tum Campus visits HAGL AGRICO Laos Complex

A delegation from the University of Danang, Kon Tum Campus (UDCK), headed by its Deputy Director, Ms. Nguyen To Nhu recently undertook a work session at the HAGL AGRICO Laos Complex.


THACO AGRI to promote agricultural investment, contributing to Laos' economy

During a recent meeting with THACO AGRI, Mr. Phet Phomphiphak, the Laotian Minister of Agriculture and Forestry expressed his desire for the company to maintain its investment in Laos' agricultural sector, thereby contributing to the nation's economic growth.


THACO AGRI and Tay Nguyen University forge HR training partnership

THACO AGRI joined forces with Tay Nguyen University on March 27 through a Memorandum of Cooperation which aims to develop highly skilled talent for the company's Complexes in the coming years.


Cambodia's Kratie Provincial Deputy Governor visits Snuol Complex

Kratie province's Vice Governor, Mr. Phoem Phira, and a delegation from the Provincial Vocational Training Board visited Snuol Complex to learn about agricultural production and business operations.


Ia Puch Complex receives delegation from Quang Binh province

On January 6, a delegation led by Mr. Pham Trung Dong, Chairman of Quang Ninh district People's Committee in Quang Binh province visited THACO AGRI's Ia Puch Complex in Gia Lai province. Accompanying the delegation was Mr. Vu Dinh Hanh, Chairman of Chu Prong People's Committee in Gia Lai province.